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How CEDAW may contradict Islam & How it might contradict itself if not fully taken

In this contemporary world it's somehow easier for individuals and governments to apply a law under the international flag or universal flag even though what the West flag it as universal is not necessarily universal. It's really harsh to apply anything under the name of religion unless it's a cool thing in the eye of the West and this way should keep the financial aid flowing.

In the West you can see and sense Islam but not Muslims while in Arabia you can see Muslims but never see or sense Islam, In the West you can see people converting to Islam because they had the chance to think about it and the chance to have good examples but again you see the worse examples starting from Mosques ending with taking off hijab and denouncing Allah.

It's really confusing whether we should lift the reservations on CEDAW or not. In some cases it might be used to oppose the religious protocols and which in its turn is sometime used to abuse Women when its interpret to serve certain scenario.

Jordan is an Islamic State at least according to some official documents and if it's the case then Sharia Law should be given a priority over the international and/or universal laws and conventions and by higher priority I don't only mean theoretically but it should be applied practically in a manner that doesn't make having it useless.

However, I think we are going secular and this means we have to pick and match whatever we find useful especially what makes the financial aid flowing.

Jordan's reversions on CEDAW convention are based on political reasons or religious one and recently the news is talking about lifting the religious based reservations but I personally couldn't find any official statement stating which reservations we are lifting and which we are keeping and the blogospher reaction were mostly because of IAF opposes lifting the religious one, however I'm sure that to some degree IAF would be happy if they also lift the political ones as it help their agenda and then the government would be offering a cookie in each hand kind of diet. They are a political party after all.

Declarations, Reservations and Objections to CEDAW - Declaration made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:
Jordan does not consider itself bound by the following provisions:
1. Article 9, paragraph 2;

2. States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men with respect to the nationality of their children.

2. Article 15, paragraph 4 (a wife's residence is with her husband);

4. States Parties shall accord to men and women the same rights with regard to the law relating to the movement of persons and the freedom to choose their residence and domicile.

3. Article 16, paragraph (1) (c), relating to the rights arising upon the dissolution of marriage with regard to maintenance and compensation;

(c) The same rights and responsibilities during marriage and at its dissolution;

4. Article 16, paragraph, paragraph (1) (d) and (g).
(d) The same rights and responsibilities as parents, irrespective of their marital status, in matters relating to their children; in all cases the interests of the children shall be paramount;
(g) The same personal rights as husband and wife, including the right to choose a family name, a profession and an occupation;

Let's try to go over them one by one

Article 9, paragraph 2;
States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men with respect to the nationality of their children.

This is a political issue and more precisely a geopolitical one and it has nothing to do with religion unless a scholar issue a Fatwa saying that a Muslim women should enjoy that right as it helps in the progress toward building a better civil society and not having it interfere with that.

Article 15, paragraph 4 (a wife’s residence is with her husband); -
States Parties shall accord to men and women the same rights with regard to the law relating to the movement of persons and the freedom to choose their residence and domicile.

School - Private
No National ID
No political rights
Travel - depends on the father right to come back with exception to custody
Punshment to Jordanian women if she marry a none Jordanian


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Zend PHP 5 Certification Voucher *sheesh* DISCOUNT

In 2005 we had great discount from Zend for the PHP4 exam voucher, guide and practice book, This year, couple of months ago we at JoPHP (Jordan PHP Users Group) for PHP5 Exam festival, we had plan to do one week exam preparation session and then twenty five of us was motivated to take the exam. Many things slowed down the plan and killed the motive and I guess you are safe to put it on me and blame me for that; Hope we will be able to prepare for another event later in 2007. But anyway we always have B plan and here is the deal Purchase PHP 5 Certification Guide which is available in PDF format Practice for the exam Purchase the Certification voucher and use this zcej100 discount code to get $25 off your order. When you feel comfortable, Schedule your test and take the exam Big thanks for Zend for their generous offer and hope we can make better plan for such event next year. Wish you the best. [tags] php users, zend, voucher, users group, many things, motive, jordan, certif

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